See How School 21 Enables Groundbreaking Student Achievement

School 21's teacher-designed solution uses a unique technology-enabled approach to help students achieve their potential

Set Students Up for Success

First we divide up the content of each course into bite-sized concepts students can master (usually, each School 21 concept aligns to a single state standard)

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Explain Concepts Clearly

For each concept, we create learning resources, like videos, text explanations and interactive "solution reveal" problems

Start with the Basics

Our teacher-designed computer algorithms create problems for students to complete on their journey to Mastery, starting with easier problems

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Work Up to Mastery

As students progress, we give them more difficult problems until they master the concept by showing fluency, conceptual understanding and real world application

Give Instant, Detailed Feedback

Every one of School 21's billion-plus problems comes with a Solution Explanation for that specific problem, which students see right after they submit their answer

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Encourage Students

All along the way, students see encouraging messages and School 21's Mastery Meter shows them exactly where they are on their journey to Mastery

Meet Learners at Their Level

School 21's smart technology continuously adjusts problems to the student's Mastery level—easier problems when students need review and more challenging problems as they progress

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Adjusting Difficulty Image

Report Progress to Adults

Teachers and parents can easily see where students are on their path to Mastery, so they can offer encouragement and support

Set Due Dates

Teachers and parents can easily assign due dates for each concept to keep students on track

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Celebrate Progress

The School 21 Dashboard shows students due dates, concept status, and how much they've achieved on their journey to Mastery for the entire course

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